- applicable
- 1) применимый; с возможностью использования2) (при)годный; соответствующий; подходящий; релевантный
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics. F.V Lisovsky . 2005.
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics. F.V Lisovsky . 2005.
applicable — [ aplikabl ] adj. • appliquable 1282; de appliquer ♦ Qui est susceptible d être appliqué. 1 ♦ Qu on peut appliquer (à qqch., qqn). « il n est méthode ni théorie qui soit applicable indifféremment à chacun » (A. Gide). Absolt (Dr.) Susceptible d… … Encyclopédie Universelle
applicable — UK US /əˈplɪkəbl/ adjective ► affecting or relating to someone or something: »The company will help with moving expenses where applicable. applicable to sth/sb »This part of the law is only applicable to companies employing more than five people … Financial and business terms
applicable — I adjective a propos, acceptable, adaptable, adapted to, appertaining, appliable, appropriate, apt, befit, befitting, belonging, fit, fitting, germane, pertinent, proper, relevant, right, sortable, suitable, to the point, usable, useful,… … Law dictionary
applicable — APPLICABLE. adj. des 2 genres. Destiné, propre à être appliqué à certain usage. Il fut condamné à cent écus d amende, applicables à la nourriture des pauvres. Applicable à l Hôtel Dieu. Ce passage n est point applicable au sujet dont il s agit … Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798
applicable — Applicable. adj. de tout genre. Qui doit estre appliqué à certain usage. Il ne se dit guere que des amendes. Il fut condamné à cent escus d amende, applicable à la nourriture des pauvres. applicable à l Hostel Dieu … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
Applicable — Ap pli*ca*ble, a. [Cf. F. aplicable, fr. L. applicare. See {Apply}.] Capable of being applied; fit or suitable to be applied; having relevance; as, this observation is applicable to the case under consideration. {Ap pli*ca*ble*ness}, n. {Ap… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
applicable — (adj.) 1560s, pliable, with ABLE (Cf. able) + L. applicare (see APPLY (Cf. apply)). Meaning capable of being applied is from 1650s; earlier in this sense was appliable (mid 15c.) … Etymology dictionary
applicable — *relevant, pertinent, apposite, apropos, germane, material Analogous words: *fit, suitable, appropriate, apt, felicitous, happy, meet, fitting, proper Antonyms: inapplicable Contrasted words: *impertinent: inept, *awkward … New Dictionary of Synonyms
applicable — [adj] appropriate applicative, applicatory, apposite, apropos, apt, associable, befitting, felicitous, fit, fitting, germane, kosher, legit*, material, on target*, on the button*, on the nose*, pertinent, relevant, right on*, suitable, suited,… … New thesaurus
applicable — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ relevant or appropriate. DERIVATIVES applicability noun … English terms dictionary
applicable — [ap′li kə bəl, ə plik′əbəl] adj. [ML applicabilis: see APPLY & ABLE] that can be applied; appropriate SYN. RELEVANT applicability [ap′li kəbil′ə tē] n … English World dictionary